Category: public sex

Cruise Control

If you have read any of my stories, you know my first wife and I had a lifestyle that included experiences with other people. When I remarried, I hoped to have the same sort of relationship with my second wife, Maria, but she was not interested in pursuing that sort of lifestyle. After a few years, I got her to agree to at least indulge in some fantasy role-play, but that was as far as it had progressed.

The one positive from the fantasies was Maria admitting that she might try having sex with someone else “if the right situation” ever came up. We talked about it a lot, and it was obvious that the right situation was going to be hard to find. The conditions for it to happen were that there would be no chance of anyone ever finding out and that the person be somebody she had some sort of relationship with already, in other words a friend. I thought that would be harder to do, but that was the only way she would ever consider it happening “for real” as she put it. In other words, it wasn’t going to happen.

Our sex life was good though, and I thought maybe I could be happy just with the fantasies. I did tell her about Joan’s experiences in the hope that it might convince her to try it herself. After about ten years of patiently talking and doing the role-playing, she became more responsive and sometimes would bring up the fantasies on her own rather than waiting for me to do it, but she would always say afterwards that it was just fantasies, nothing else.

We decided for our fifteenth anniversary to treat ourselves to a cruise. We had never been on one before, so we were really looking forward to getting away for ten days. The cruise was scheduled to stop at a half dozen islands in the Caribbean and we couldn’t wait. We boarded the ship and set sail for ten days of fun in the sun.

There were all sorts of services available on board ship and Maria signed up for yoga lessons. The instructor was a tall, athletic man named Carlos, He was from one of the islands (I never caught which one) and his classes were always full of women admiring his body, which he was always showing off by wearing only thin workout pants and no shirt. I teased Maria that the only reason she was taking the class was to ogle Carlos.

The third day out, I was walking to the room where the class took place when I heard Carlos and Maria talking. There was a mirror opposite the doorway and I could see that the room was deserted except for those two. Maria was sitting in a tall stool turned sideways to the door and Carlos was leaning against the wall so that he was looking down on her. Maria works hard to stay in shape and she is proud of her body, but shy about showing it off. It was pretty obvious that Carlos was looking down her tank top, and it didn’t look like Maria was doing anything about it from my angle. Something in their body language made it seem that there was some sort of intimate conversation going on.

I checked the passageway and saw that it was empty. I carefully edged myself as close to the door as I could so I could hear what they were saying. Maria was leaning back in her chair with her legs tucked in the rail along the bottom. She was wearing a tank top and black shorts. She had her arms wrapped around the arms of the chair and if I didn’t know her better, I would have thought she was displaying her body provocatively for Carlos. He shifted his body so that he was standing right over her and Maria had to look up to talk with him.

“You are very limber,” Carlos said in his accented English. “It is obvious that you know how to use your body.”

“Thank you,” Maria said with a little smile. “I try to work out.”

“And it has paid off,” Carlos assured her. “You are a fine looking woman.” As he said this, Carlos gently ran his fingers along Maria’s arm I got the impression watching that he was trying to see what her reaction might be. When she made no protest, he grew more confident and ran his hand up along her neck and caressed her cheek. I could see Maria blush, and she licked her lips nervously, but didn’t stop him. She did glance at the door, and Carlos laughed softly.


Secret Slut Wife

The sun was rising over the sparkling waters of Echo Lake. The cries of the Loons could be heard welcoming another day.

It was to be my first day alone at our summer cottage in the Muskokas. My husband had returned to work in the city leaving me to enjoy the solitude of a summer escape away from the hectic pace of city life. 

We had recently purchased the cottage on the lake from its previous owner who worked with my husband. It was about a four hour drive from home if the traffic wasn’t too bad.

The Muskokas are like another world, in the heart of the Canadian Shield, a vast expanse for granite rock and forest sprinkled with small sparkling lakes. Holidaying was the main industry.

It was to be my first time alone at the cottage. I was well stocked with food and booze and Rick had setup the satellite television so I could watch my soaps. I had my trusty cellphone if I needed to call for help.

There were about half-a-dozen cottages circling the shore of the small lake, about half of them occupied by their vacationing owners. The Terrell’s farm was situated at the end of the lake where the county road led out to Bayville, the closest town.

The Terrell’s were an elderly couple who had owned the land surrounding Echo Lake. Over the years they had sold the land parcel by parcel to city folk looking to build summer cottages. They lived on their small farm with its market garden and some livestock with their bachelor sons, forty-year-old Stan and Jimmy, his thirty-two-year old brother.

The Terrell boys had never married but chose to live with Mom and Dad. They were a couple of lazy wastes of space who spend their lives drinking and cavorting. The Terrell’s farm was about a five minute walk down the road from our cottage.

It was going to be another hot day. It was the first week of July and already the temperatures were in the high eighties. Thankfully yht humidity in cottage country was not as high as in the city and there was always the refreshing water of the lake to cool off if it got too hot.

After coffee I decided to spend some time on the beach reading and starting on my tan. Our beach was quite private so I put on the bikini I had bought before coming up north. The bikini was much more risqué than I would normally wear but nobody would likely see me anyway.

I still felt naked after putting the tiny suit on. The two small triangles hardly contained my nipples and the bottoms barely cover the lips of my pussy while the b back was swallowed by my ass cheeks. Courageously I grabbed my book and a blanket and headed out to the beach.

The narrow roadway surrounding the lake bisected our lot slicing between the narrow sandy beach and the cottage backed by forest. I crossed the deserted roadway and spread my blanket close to the water’s edge. The warm sun felt good as I lay on my blanket and began to read my book.

About and hour of peaceful solitude past as I enjoyed my body soaking up the sun’s rays as I leafed through chapter after chapter of the novel. My peace was interrupted by the sounds of an approaching pedestrian. I looked down the roadway and saw Stan Terrell and his black and white mongrel Duke coming down the road.

I was trapped on the beach in my tiny bikini, trying to escape back into the cottage would put me right in Terrell’s path. I tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.

“Mornin Mrs. Greene.” Terrell said standing about twenty feet from where I lay. 

I acknowledged his greeting as Duke ran over to where I lay. Immediately the dog began sniffing my crotch through the thin bikini bottom. Mortified I pushed the dog’s head away from my body.

Duke emit6ted a low growl as Stan chastised him. 

“He loves pussy too!” Stan laughed.


Back Alley Cuckold

At the time of this story I had been in a committed relationship with Mimi for around two years. I guess you would have called her my girlfriend, however she had dropped the word ‘marriage’ a couple of times and it was obvious she wanted to take things further: Our relationship appeared rock solid. Perhaps I should have proposed, as it may have stopped the chain of events that subsequently unfolded.

Let me give you a little background. Mimi was a 24 year old Chinese girl who came to America from HK to study. She was 5 foot 8, she had a cute little bob of straight black hair, a slim athletic figure with the perkies little tits I had ever seen. She had the most adorable little butt and like most Asians, she had beautiful smooth milky skin. She was lively and outgoing. Our sex life had been fantastic.

One Friday night we had gone out drinking at the bar with some friends after classes. It had been a long night and everybody was generally wasted. Almost all of our friends had gone home and we had just called a taxi for Dave the last remaining survivor (aside from Mimi and myself). He mentioned he wanted to get some air while he waited and headed out the front. The bar was still in full swing, it was college town, but you had your regular mix of patrons. Mimi and I took a couple of stools at a small table trying to decide if we were ready to take make the trek home. She looked beautiful, in one of those tops that draped around her shoulders, covering her breasts at the front but leaving her whole back exposed. When she bent forward the cloth teased you by almost giving a direct line of site to her breasts. She was wearing a short tight skirt and no underwear. Having been dancing all night she had a fine sheen of sweat and a couple strands of her hair were plastered against her forehead and cheek – almost giving her a ‘just been fucked’ look. We had barely sat down a minute when a busty blonde waitress brought us over two shots: ‘from your admirer over there’ she added, giving us a quick smile before she quickly turned away. Both Mimi and I turned to see a guy, probably in his mid thirties raising his pint of beer as if to toast us, his eyes scanning my girlfriend’s body as he did.

I was a little infuriated, as if buying us a drink gave him the right to blatantly ogle my girlfriend in front of me. But we were both pretty drunk and Mimi turned back around to me, laughing and almost falling off her stool in the process. I smiled, we took the shots and our conversation moved on. It was clear however that Mimi had not forgotten her admirer as every now and then she took a quick look over his way. My heart was racing; did she actually have some sort of interest in this guy? For some reason beneath my irritation I was starting to get aroused by the fact my girlfriend seemed turned on by this random guy.

Following a short pause in the conversation I asked her if she wanted to go over and thank him. She turned around, this time staring at him for a couple of seconds before turning back. ‘you think so?’ she asked, almost rhetorically, before answering her own question with a quick ‘OK’. She popped off her stool and started over to the guy. Again my heart rate jumped a notch, knowing of course that nothing would come of this. I watched her make her way across the crowded room towards the stranger. He was seated with a group of around 4 other guys seemingly engaged in their own conversation. It was at that time that a bunch of people blocked my line of sight. Being fairly drunk, my mind wandered and I scanned the room for the waitress with the hopes of ordering another beer.

After finally getting my beer, I managed to catch a glimpse of the table again. Somehow Mimi was now seated in the middle of the group of guys and they were all listening attentively as she seemed to be telling them some sort of story. The music thumping and I had no idea what she was saying, but her smile was beaming and she seemed not to have a care in the world.

Just then at that moment she turned to me and gave me a huge smile a cute little wave. Most of the guys turned to look my way but I quickly lowered my head and started tearing up the little cardboard coaster that came with my beer. What the hell was going on? – she was supposed to just go over there and thank them. I had not notice before but all the guys were well built, as if they were some sort of well dressed sports team. My mind was swimming with lust, rage and alcohol, I started to actually become erect: what if one of these guys made a move on her?

Fumbling with the now shredded coaster I dropped a couple of pieces to the floor. In bending down to retrieve them I looked across the room and under the table I saw that the two guys on either side of Mimi had a firm grip on each of her thighs. Her legs were spread and her skirt was riding up. It was too dark to see everything but I knew she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

Her First Golf Outing

The four of them had a great time golfing together. Especially Theresa, since she was the only girl in the group. This hot young blonde was a little thing – standing just 5 feet tall and weighing 100 lbs. She flirted with all of them during the outing by either rubbing up against them before they would take their shot, or flashing them while driving the cart. Dave and Mike rode in one cart, while Hank was the lucky one to ride with Theresa. Needless to say, he got the most attention. They had been attracted to each other for a while, but hadn’t done anything about it up to that point. She was out to change that.

With all the alcohol that had flowed during the outing, all four of them were feeling no pain. But they still had to drive back to the picnic that followed. Everyone had climbed back into Dave’s truck so he could drive. As was like the rest of the day, Hank sat in the back with Theresa. The doors were barely closed when they had their hands all over each other. They were laughing, so it really didn’t matter what the other two thought or heard. She lifted her shirt to expose her beautiful breasts still covered by her bra – Hank quickly took care of that. Hank sat to her left, behind Dave, while she sat in the middle, making sure that Dave saw as much as he could in his mirror.

Hank started sucking on her left nipple, while she rubbing the other one. She looked up to see Mike practically drooling over the back of the seat. “Why don’t you lean that seat back, Mike. This one needs some attention, too!” He didn’t need to be told twice, as he quickly slammed the front passenger seat in full recline position. All Dave thought was, “Thank God for tinted windows.” Mind you, it was still only about 3:30 in the afternoon.

Pool Hall Gangbang

My first wife and I had a great sex life that included some pretty wild events. We were very active sexually and enjoyed every minute of it. Our escapades included some exotic and public places. We tried to make it exciting every time we had sex. The following story is just one of our many exploits.

When we first met I knew our relationship would be based on sex. The first night we ended up closing the bar we met at and going straight to a hotel. She was a stunning piece of work. Many of the other guys in the bar were watching her every move. I know I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was 5’9” and had long slender legs. She was playing darts with one of the guys I came up there to meet. From the moment I walked up to them I wanted to get into the spandex pants she was wearing. When my friend introduced us I couldn’t help staring at here magnificent body. Somehow I heard what her name was. It certainly matched the way she looked.

“Hi, my name is Candi” she said as she put out her hand to shake mine.

“Hello, mine is Mike” I answered back.

That was the most I remember from our first night. We had simply had way too much to drink to remember anything else. After that night we spent every night together until our divorce a few years later. I can’t imagine staying together forever being based on sex.

Through our time together we would talk about our fantasies. She stated early in our relationship that she was probably bi. That is a different story entirely though. Candi would often explain how much she liked others knowing we were have sex in front of them. We would go out and play with each other without actually showing exactly what we were doing to each other. I would ask her about what she thought of being with more than one guy. We just talked about it for a long time, until I had come up with a plan to make it happen.

I called her from work early Friday morning to tell her to get ready for that night. I explained she should go shopping at Frederic’s or someplace similar. I also stated she was not to wear any panties that night. We had done this part before and she always surprised me with what time of lingerie she picked out. When I hung up I could barely concentrate on work the rest of the day.

When I got home she was already getting dressed for the night. She had bought some black fishnet stockings and garter belt. I saw hanging a new black miniskirt and sheer black blouse. When the whole ensemble was put together it didn’t leave much to the imagination. She stood in front of the mirror admiring herself. I couldn’t help but stand and stare in awe. She stood adjusting herself and occasionally feeling herself up. Candi knew just how good her 5’9” slender frame looked. She would bring her hands up her hips and slowly caress her flat belly working her way up to her 38c breasts. I could see she was getting aroused just looking at herself in the mirror. Her nipples musted have stood out nearly an inch. You could see right through her top to her black lace bra. If you looked close you could see her pink areolas through the thin material. She was ready to go for the night.

I quickly jumped in the shower and got ready. I just threw on the usual attire. I wore my black jeans and a grey sweater. I knew whatever I wore would never matter. She had the department on looks. I just tried to look like I might be good enough to be seen with her.

Without explaining where we were going I told her to get in the car. We drove to a fairly nice restaurant. Before dinner we proceeded to sit at the bar and down a couple of drinks. I knew for my plan to work Candi would have to get a buzz going. After dinner we made our way back to the bar and sucked down a few more. I could tell by her giggling she was getting a little tipsy.

After I was sure she was well on her way to being drunk we left and headed for a local pool hall. I the drive there she was feeling a little frisky. She would spread her legs so her skirt would ride up and expose her neatly shaved pussy. I could see it glistening every time we passed under a streetlight. She was soaking wet. Candi reached down and started rubbing her clit. I tried to slow her down a little. I did not want her spent before we even got started. I knew how fast she could go from start to finish. This night was going to last a long time if I could help it.

When we finally arrived at the pool hall she had calmed down a little bit. We got out of the car a walked in to a room full of stares. I knew they sure as hell weren’t staring at me. A couple of guys in the back corner whistled as we walked up to the counter. It was a dimly lit place except for the lights above the tables. The bartender poured us a couple of drinks and handed us our rack and set of balls. Candi enjoys playing pool, especially bending over and giving everybody a great view of her round heart shaped ass. We found an open table closer to the back. As I started to rack, I scanned the room. I counted about 30 guys and maybe 6 other women.

Candi broke the first game and just loved showing off by bending over too far for the table of four guys next to us. I could tell by the look in their eyes that they got a glimpse of her bare snatch. They were like a pack of rabid dogs with their mouths watering. I had seen these guys in there before. They were usually pretty good shots, but every time Candi got up to shoot one of them would miss. It was fun watching them try to concentrate on their game.

Lets Play Pool

It had been a bad week, and I was ready to go out and cut loose. I was feeling a little slutty and dressed accordingly. I put on my black leather bustier, which shoved my tits up and put them well on display and I shrugged my leather jacket over the top. My leather mini skirt came to mid thigh and I added knee high spiked heels boots to complete my look.

I asked my husband, Brian, how I looked and he grabbed my ass and kissed me hard. I knew I had his approval. We headed out with no particular destination, just that we wanted to have some fun. As we passed a pool hall, I told Brian it looked like the perfect place to stop. He turned around and pulled into the parking lot. There were only a few cars there, but the music was jumping.

We went in, ordered a couple of drinks and found an empty table. We sat down and were enjoying our drinks. The music was putting me in the mood to dance, but Brian wasn’t really in the mood. I decided to just dance on my own. I don’t know if it’s the way I was dressed or the fact that I was dancing alone, but a couple of guys joined me. We were doing a little bit of dirty dancing and having some fun. Brian came out and danced a dance or two with me, then asked me if I felt like playing pool.

We played a few games, each of us winning a couple of times. The guys that I had been dancing with were at the table next to us. They asked if we wanted to play against them. They said that the losers would buy the winners a round of shots. Brian and I were game and racked the balls. They easily took the first game. We bought shots for our opponents, Matt and Ed.

We took the next game and I ordered my usual tequila shot. Matt and Ed were whooping it up as I did the shot without the salt and lime. I was loosening up a little bit and beginning to have some fun. I decided to play with the guys a little bit. With each shot I took, I made sure to bend a little bit more than necessary so they either got a good look at my tits or so that my skirt slid up a little bit more. Matt missed an easy shot, and we took the third game. Again, I did my tequila shot to more cheers.

Supporting The College Team

My wife and I met in college, during the drunken party days of fraternity-sorority life. We are now in our late twenties, and we have been married for three blissful years. We have no children, as we live rather casually and are sort of putting it off. Even though we had a rather crazy and promiscuous lifestyle in college, at the time we had no idea that our real sexual adventures would really begin when we became married, full-time working adults. Now, we find this pretty ironic.

My wife Lisa is a total knockout. She’s quite a health nut, which is nice for me because she’s always tanning and working out to keep in good shape. Her breasts are not enormous, but 36C’s with a very round and natural feel, and very perky. She is 5’7″, and her abs, thighs and ass are made of steel. Some guys say they like her because she looks like she could kick their ass. One friend from college who had slept with her before we met said it was the best work-out he’s ever had. What first drew me to Lisa were her bright blue eyes which seem to just pop in comparison to her dark skin. Her dark brown hair is thin and straightened which she keeps parted and framed around her beautiful face.

I’m not exactly unattractive, I’m pretty average build-wise, and I’ve gained a few pounds since college, but I like to think I’m a good-looking guy. Deep down I know Lisa is physically attracted to more athletic types, but she loves me and only me, and I can still pleasure her better than any man, that’s for sure. In public she is the one turning heads obviously.

Although our first swinging experience was very hot, we wanted to save it for later and instead tell everyone about a really crazy night we had last weekend.

Our college football team had lost a pretty bad game, one of the first important ones of this season. We always go to home games in our normal college t-shirts and “team spirit” type clothes. Then, if we’re not too tired, we like to go home, shower and change before we hit the bars. Luckily we live near campus, so shortly after this travesty of a football game we were ready to get hammered and have some fun.

We picked the busiest and most packed bar out of the several on campus. The second we walked in, I already noticed a few of the young college boys staring at Lisa. She was wearing tight jean shorts and a sort of stylish black tank-top. She smelled absolutely amazing and I myself kept staring at her well exposed cleavage, building a rather sizeable erection I hoped to make use of later.

After two drinks sitting at the bar (which we hate), a table in the corner finally opened up and we made a dash for it. Just as we got there, a couple of guys sighed as if they were going to use the table. As we were sitting down and I noticed their disappointment, I realized who they were. All three of them were football players from our team; however they had been benched for this game. We generally don’t see football players out in public, so we were excited and told them they could join us if they like.

After several more drinks, we got to that point where we were all best friends and everyone was laughing at everything going on. As expected, the guys were flirting rather shamelessly with my wife, and complimenting me on my taste whenever she wasn’t paying attention. I got used to this a long time ago, and I’ve always been proud of her. Plus, as we had a somewhat open relationship, I was curious about where this would go.

Lisa started rubbing my thigh under the table, and it was definitely about that time. We usually can’t keep our hands off each other if we get drunk enough. She slowly ran her hand along my crotch, teasingly brushing against my cock. I leaned over and started whispering in her ear.

“Why did you dress so slutty tonight?” I asked with a grin.

She giggled and replied, “Isn’t it obvious? So that guys would want to fuck my tits.”

It was at this point that we decided to expedite the process so we could both get our rocks off. We stood up to leave, and told the guys we were going take off. They said they were leaving too and that they’d walk with us to our car.

Walking through campus, I held my wife’s hand as three large football players walked along with us as if they were our body guards. One of the guys was black, named Marcus, and the other two were white guys named Trey and Brent. They were all very good-looking and I could tell that Lisa was attracted to them.

Sort of stumbling a bit, I stopped at an alley and told the guys that nature was calling, out of nowhere I needed to relieve myself. We all walked down the alley away from the busy campus atmosphere and I went behind a dumpster to do my business. Upon returning to my companions in the alley, my heart started pounding at what I saw.

Lisa was making out with Marcus, and the other two were starting to feel her up. She looked over and saw me, whispered something to the guys, and started giggling. Immediately they picked up the pace and started to grind up against her from the front and back, as if they were gangbanging her with their clothes on.

The Golfers and The Bachelorette Party

My brothers invited me to go golfing on their annual golf outing to NC with their college buddies. I’m a hack golfer, the trip sounded like fun and it gave me a chance to get away from my normal routine of life. When the time came I traveled south, met up with my brothers and we headed to North Carolina. Once there we hooked 17 other guys who were all my brothers college buddies. Most of us are in a early to mid forties. The first two days there were just filled with golf, eating and drinking. The 2nd night the 13 of us hit a local restaurant for dinner. We had just finished our meals when one guy came back from the rest room and said the bar was full of girls having a bachelorette party. One of my brothers and a couple other guys proceeded to get up and head to the bar. I was a couple of minutes behind them.

When I entered the bar my eyes grew wide. There before us were 15 beautiful women in the middle of the party. I’m guessing they ranged in age around 25 to 30. The drinks were flowing and a new game was starting where the girls had a piece of paper and pencil in hand. They had to hold the paper on the top of their head and draw a picture of a cock. They were all dying laughing, so were we as we enjoyed their activity. One girl came over to my brother and ask him to draw his cock on her paper. He wanted to know if he could use both sides of the paper because it was too short. She turned around and gave him a look, then licked her lips with the longest tongue I had ever seen on any woman. She then walked over to another girl and proceeded to grope and kiss her. Damn this was a turn on, we knew this party was going to be a good one. Then we noticed some of the other girls were pretty touchy feely kind of girls with each other too. This was one party we were going to stay close to.

The girls finished their party at the restaurant, then walked across the street to the bar / nite club. Our group proceeded directly to the bar. Once inside things really heated up. The girls grabbed all the space by the dance floor stage. They danced with each other sliding their hands under each others clothing and feeling each other up. They definitely had the attention of everyone in the bar. We found a couple of empty tables on the other side of the dance floor, grabbed some chairs and had the best seats in the house for this show.

The Bride, Suzanne, is a tall blonde with killer tits. Dressed in a tight scooping top and a mini skirt and a pink lace G-string. She wore a vest the girls had made her that had lifesavers sown on it, for $5 you could bite a life saver off the vest. The bride had a friend, Anne, who seem to be the chosen mother and protector of the girls, and I bet her pussy was wet all night in this role. She was very hot, dark hair, slender with long skin tight black pants and matching top. The girl with the long tongue, Rachel, wore a black mini dress and black G-string. There were 2 black girls, one tall and slender, Naomi, the other shorter, Jeanette, with a healthy statue. Both very sexy, but Jeanette was a real party girl and a turn on. Another girl, Roxy, was the hottest and most sensual of all of them. Roxy was tall with dark hair, slender and moved her body in ways to knock down armies.

Sex Club

The club was packed with couples. The site of so many naked and near naked women aroused him. The only thing that kept his stiff cock from springing out of his tight slacks was the fact he was alone. He looked at his watch, found a spot at the bar where he could see the door, and ordered a drink. Sheila didn’t seem like the type of person who liked to make an entrance—but then again she had chosen this place for their first meeting.

“So you like to fuck or you just like to watch?” a woman asked sliding onto the barstool beside him. “Because we’re up for a threesome if you are?”

Steve looked her over from head to toe. She was a definite temptation. Dark auburn hair. Large breasts. Her huge tits showing through her transparent blouse. “We?” he asked a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. She looked at her companion and winked. The tall blond nodded in agreement and approached the bar. Her face was unremarkable, and her chest a little flat, but her long sexy legs made up for it. Watching her walk was like touching silk, feeling the softness slide between your fingers. “A threesome?” Steve repeated looking at the pair of lesbians wondering what wickedness they had in mind.

“Am I that late?” Sheila asked placing a possessive hand on his shoulder. “I thought we were supposed to fuck each other at least once before we traded partners?”

“You heard the lady.” Steve said wrapping his arm around the newcomer a little thankful and a little disappointed when the odd couple left them to their own devices. “Want a drink?” Steve asked as the bartender approached.

“Gin and tonic.” She said smiling at him as their eyes met. “I thought it was supposed to be smoky in here,” she said laughing nervously, “The perfect place to study you across the room before I had to find the right words to say to you.”

“Any luck finding them?” he asked his blue eyes suddenly penetrating, perplexing.

“Will you fuck me?” she asked brazenly but her words had an almost shy undertone to them. Just like her to be confusing when she meant to be clear.

“Gladly,” he agreed finishing his drink letting her leave hers untouched as they made their way to the back of the club.

“Did you have time to check the place out?” she asked holding his hand, stroking the roughness of his palms, as her soft voice caressed him.

“Only the bar.” He admitted with a laugh as they reached a row of glass cubicles.

The scene captivated Sheila. Several couples, a few threesomes, and an occasional single were divided into tiny rooms. From her position, their sexual activities looked more like an art form than a personal experience. A man masturbating in one cubicle while watching a woman masturbate in the next. One lesbian with her head buried in another lesbian’s cunt while getting ass fucked. Two women on their knees greedily snapping at a huge cock being slapped in their faces. Another woman with a man buried deep in her dripping cunt sucking on another cock dipping in and out of her mouth. Couples who could not touch each other enough. Couples panting like dogs in the August heat. The smell of sweat mixed with cum. And Steve.

Amy Gets a Bar Bang

Amy and Steve had known each other since their childhood. They had grown up together, attending the same high school and eventually the same college. Everyone expected them to marry at some stage and despite warnings that they were still too young, they had decided to take the plunge in their final year at college. They made an attractive couple. Everyone said so. Amy was strikingly pretty, her long blonde hair framed a beautiful, oval shaped face and tumbled in curls down her back. She stood only 5’6″ in her stockings, but her well proportioned legs had the feel and texture of fine alabaster. Her breasts were small but perky and complimented her flat stomach perfectly. Steve stood over 6ft and had short black hair. His face was rugged with a masculine jawline. His body told the story of an athlete in the prime of life.

They were both in their last month of college, and deeply immersed in final exams. This week had been a particularly difficult one, and as Friday came to a close, they were both exhausted and happy that the week was over. They met in the college refectory after their last class and began to plan their weekend off. They had decided to start that night. It was time to kick back, relax and maybe get a little drunk!

They had decided on Oscars, a small music bar on the outskirts of town. The clientele there was not of the highest calibre, but the music was good and the beer cheap and so, after a home cooked dinner, they set out for the bar. They could hear the music as they alighted the bus and as they entered through an old iron door, they were met by a fog of cigarette smoke and the smell of beer. Inside the music was very loud. The joint was not overcrowded; a few customers were on the small dance floor gyrating to the heavy beat of the music, a few sat at the bar and some were sitting in small booths drinking and laughing. Steve spotted an empty booth and led his young wife by the hand towards the seats. The ordered a jug of beer and settled in for a night of drinking.

After her third glass, Amy suddenly announced that she wanted to dance.

The Dodge

Games are something we all do, be it baseball, football or whatever. There are also other kinds of games. This is about a special game I play; I hope you enjoy it.

We, my husband and I, have this jar where we each write down some games or ideas for games we’d like to play and every so often we’ll get in the game playing mood and select a slip of paper from the jar. The one rule is that we have to do what the paper says. We have an equal number of ideas in the jar so the chances of selecting something new to the other is at least fifty-fifty, but more often than not, I lose, or is it win?

This particular day I was feeling randy, no she wasn’t around today but if she had been I would have been feeling very randy. When my husband got home I had the jar sitting on the coffee table and he knew what it meant. He reached in and pulled out a slip of paper and put it on the table and said to me, read it while I shower and change clothes.

I read it and it was one of his ideas, not mine, but still I knew he had written it for me. While he showered, I changed clothes as per the paper and waited for him.

When he came downstairs and saw me he knew I was up for a new game. On the slip of paper I had read, it said this: The Dodge. Wear one item of clothing only, your choice and this time make it ten blocks.

That meant, at some place in town I would be wearing only one item of clothing and would have to walk ten blocks to our car, hopefully without being seen, but if I was spotted, I could make no attempt to avoid it.

My husband smiled when he saw my outfit and said to me, are you sure? I threw him the car keys and walked towards the door with a smile on my face.

My outfit was a terry-cloth pullover the kind you’d wear at a pool over your bikini. It looped over my neck and a v-cut almost to my belly button exposing a lot of cleavage. Connected to it was a pair of what I would call hot pants. So this one-piece outfit exposed most of my breasts and all of my legs and I knew that as I walked, the hot-pant’s would ride up high on my ass exposing more and more as I walked. Of course I was allowed one other thing to wear and that was shoes, or in this case 4 inch high heels.

Adult Movie Theater

April and I have been together for 1 1/2 years and our sex life is great. Recently though, it has yet improved, due to an unusual night we just experienced. That night was a Saturday about 3 months ago.

I asked my lady if she would like to go out for an early dinner and then we might catch an early show. April thought the idea was great and she went to take a shower and dress. When she returned, she looked fantastic. My wife is 5 ft. 6in. and 135 lbs., plus a natural Texas born redhead. She has very long legs, with a shapely butt and although her breasts are huge, they are 36D’s that are perfectly shaped and firm. Tonight she had on heels and a skirt and blouse that made her look like the perfect model.

We had reservations at our favorite restaurant and as usual the food was good. April and I had a few drinks with dinner and I suggested we have another before we left for the show. Another drink became another few and April was getting a little lightheaded by the time we left. We had not decided on the show that we would see so I suggested we drive to the Multi-Cinema that had 4 theaters, but none of them sounded appealing. April brought up going to an adult theater, as she had never been before. We located one in the phone book and drove to it.

The theater was an older, rather regal looking place that had not been kept up well. As we entered the theater I was surprised to see how large it was, yet there were only about 2 dozen people there. We chose a pair of seats near the back and we settled in for what turned out to be quite an evening.

Lost Panties

Tom and his wife Sharon were shopping and Tom was wishing he could die. He was the only man in the lingerie department of the department store. Sharon was buying panties to replenish her dwindling supply. She mumbled to herself as she browsed rack after rack, dropping the names of various men at the warehouse where she was a shipping clerk. Such-and-such a guy liked yellow, such-and-such liked lacy panties. Tom noticed other women looking at Sharon and at him. He sidled over and murmured, “Honey, do you have to talk? People can hear!”

Sharon glanced at him in disgust. “Oh, just go and wait by the cashier, will you? Honestly! What a fuss you make every time I buy some panties!” Tom opened his mouth to argue, but thought better of it, and did as he was told. Sharon would not hesitate to take the paddle to his bottom at home if she was angry enough. It had been a year since the last time but the memory was fresh in Tom’s mind.

As he drove home, Tom wondered if he should try to convince her to change her ways. He knew he had to approach the subject diplomatically, as she tended to get defensive. He decided he would try and present it as a financial topic, rather than as an attempt to salvage the shreds of his manhood. “Honey,” he said, “those panties came to over $300.” She looked over at him. “Yes, so what?”

Ralphs Slut

I have worked for the same company for almost ten years. With the exception of the first year and a half when I was hit on by everyone, including the seventeen-year kid in the mailroom, I have been pretty much left alone. Once the office Don Juan’s figured out that I was a married woman who didn’t play around the serious passes stopped and things around the office settled into harmless flirting and some kidding around. I did get a tad carried away at a couple of office Christmas parties, but it never went past some french kissing and a quick feel or two so it came as a big surprise to me when all of a sudden the office wolves were back in force. They were not only after me hot and heavy, but they seemed to think that I would be receptive.

Receptive I was not. I was flattered by all the attention I was getting, what forty-year-old woman with four kids wouldn’t be, but it wasn’t attention that I sought or wanted. One night after a couple of weeks of fighting off the heavy passes, I stopped at a local lounge with some people from work. I had a couple of drinks and I danced with a few of the guys. I was on the dance floor with Herb when he suddenly cupped my breast and whispered, “What say you and me go out into the parking lot for some backseat action?”

I pulled away from him and slapped him across the face as hard as I could. He gave me an angry look, “What the fuck is wrong with you Mickey?”

“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you is the question. Where do you get off grabbing feels of me and trying to hustle me into the parking lot like some tramp?”

Cindy Has a Naughty Birthday

During conversations, Cindy had spoken of a fantasy that involved meeting several strangers at a party and then letting them do what they wanted to her. She said she had seen an advert on the internet for a party called “Greedy Girls”. It was to be an occasion whereby the ladies could show off a bit and let a few men enjoy them. As it was Cindy’s birthday as well and she had yet to receive a birthday treat, we answered the ad and were informed of the time and venue. I let her decide what she wanted to wear; knowing that whatever she picked would look great. She went shopping on the Wednesday and returned later that evening with a bag of goodies. She refused to let me see what she had bought though and told me to wait until the Friday night.

Friday night came and Cindy got showered and dressed and put on some make-up. We drove to the house about an hour away and parked up the car nearby. On arrival at the house, our hostess, Emma, met us. She was an attractive brunette about thirty and she wore a tight figure-hugging blue dress. We introduced ourselves and entered. There were four couples there already and a number of younger males, aged between 20-25. The living room was a fair size with a number of three and two seater sofas scattered around. The women were all dressed in a variety of sexy outfits, some quite conservative but some others revealing quite a bit. Cindy took off her black raincoat she was wearing and I saw what she was wearing for the first time. She had bought a new shiny, silver dress that came down to mid thigh and just exposed the lacy tops of white hold-up stockings. It clung to her figure and looked fantastic. She wore a small sparkly pair of shoes. We all introduced ourselves to the others in the room and sat down.

Amsterdam Holiday

Selena, my wife, and I had an amazing experience some years ago. It was like we were two innocents who arrived in Amsterdam. We did all the usual tourist haunts, eventually walking around the Red Light District. We were amazed by what was on offer.

Then one day a doorman talked us into going into this very small club. He was very persuasive. We sat down at a small table and everything seemed rather dull. My wife was very nervous and she drank too much, too quickly, and she was soon very tight, giggling like a schoolgirl. Then the lights went out and we saw our very first live sex-show.

We sat there, open-mouthed in astonishment. First, there was a solo act by a really good-looking girl who masturbated with a vibrator, then a huge dildo. She buried the vibrator in her rear while stroking the dildo in and out of her wide-open pussy. I saw Selena gulping as she watched that dildo, glistening with vaginal juices, plunging ever so deep into that girl’s body. (Selena loves using big dildos on herself.)

This was followed immediately by a lesbian act. They were pretty, one dark, the other blonde, and they really looked as if they loved each other. They gave us a torrid show of female love. I heard a gasp and looking at Selena, I could see that she was really turned on by this frank display.

I’d never imagined that my foxy wife would like woman on woman action. Selena’s very big boobs were heaving, a sure sign that she was probably very wet between her legs.

It Got Out Of Control

My wife Beth confided in me one of her favourite fantasies. To be held down and ravished, preferably by a big black man. She emphasised that it was only a fantasy as she wouldn’t want to have intercourse with anyone other than myself under any circumstances.

‘Maybe you would like to act out something along those lines.’

‘If it was acting it wouldn’t work,’ she replied.

I went on to suggest. ‘Why not have a real scenario where you would be really forced but it would be prearranged that the limits were feeling and sucking your breasts and maybe finger fucking you.’

She brightened up at that suggestion; I could see that I made a good suggestion.

‘But how could we guarantee that the man would stop at that?’ she asked.

‘You did say you wanted it to be a black man.’

Wife Becomes a Slut

My wife Lynn is a compulsive flasher and exhibitionist. Ever since I have known her she has been making sure that she lets people see her body. When we have friends or family stay, she always manages to never quite shut the bedroom or bathroom door or she walks into the living room in a towel on the pretext of asking a question and accidentally drops the towel. She often goes bra-less and wears tops that hang down when she bends or leans forward which always happens to be when there is someone in a position to look down her top.

At work her skirts have always been short and the tops low cut and she has never been one to hold down a dress on a windy day. She often does the housework in the nude and even hangs the washing out wearing just the bottom half of her bikini, particularly when she knows our neighbour’s teenage son is home. I have never minded this behaviour as it generally makes her randy and if she has managed a good flash we end up having great sex. I guess you would say that it is all reasonably tame behaviour, however it has added a degree of spice to our marriage over the years.

A series of events that occurred recently however have changed her behaviour significantly and I am still endeavouring to come to terms with it all. We were watching the cricket on TV and there was a streaker, an attractive young girl who managed to run three quarters of the way across the oval before the constabulary managed to grab her and cover her with a coat. It was obvious that the girl enjoyed herself and thought it was a great lark.

A Day At the (Bisexual) Beach

It was a hot late July day. I was working out of the house as usual. My wife, Anne who works in town had taken the day off to go to the beach with friends. Around 10 as she was getting ready to leave her friend Mary called to say that she couldn’t make it, her son had come down with the flu and she had better stay home with him. Anne was a little disappointed but said she understood and perhaps they could do it another time.

I was not getting a lot accomplished myself. Seems like July and August people are in vacation mode and if you can reach anyone they’re really not focused. “What the hell,” I thought, “I’ll take Anne to the beach, it’ll be a nice little get a way.”

I thought I’d take her to this little nude beach I learned about while chatting on the net. Anne didn’t know about it and I thought the shock might do her good.