If you have read any of my stories, you know my first wife and I had a lifestyle that included experiences with other people. When I remarried, I hoped to have the same sort of relationship with my second wife, Maria, but she was not interested in pursuing that sort of lifestyle. After a few years, I got her to agree to at least indulge in some fantasy role-play, but that was as far as it had progressed.
The one positive from the fantasies was Maria admitting that she might try having sex with someone else “if the right situation” ever came up. We talked about it a lot, and it was obvious that the right situation was going to be hard to find. The conditions for it to happen were that there would be no chance of anyone ever finding out and that the person be somebody she had some sort of relationship with already, in other words a friend. I thought that would be harder to do, but that was the only way she would ever consider it happening “for real” as she put it. In other words, it wasn’t going to happen.
Our sex life was good though, and I thought maybe I could be happy just with the fantasies. I did tell her about Joan’s experiences in the hope that it might convince her to try it herself. After about ten years of patiently talking and doing the role-playing, she became more responsive and sometimes would bring up the fantasies on her own rather than waiting for me to do it, but she would always say afterwards that it was just fantasies, nothing else.
We decided for our fifteenth anniversary to treat ourselves to a cruise. We had never been on one before, so we were really looking forward to getting away for ten days. The cruise was scheduled to stop at a half dozen islands in the Caribbean and we couldn’t wait. We boarded the ship and set sail for ten days of fun in the sun.
There were all sorts of services available on board ship and Maria signed up for yoga lessons. The instructor was a tall, athletic man named Carlos, He was from one of the islands (I never caught which one) and his classes were always full of women admiring his body, which he was always showing off by wearing only thin workout pants and no shirt. I teased Maria that the only reason she was taking the class was to ogle Carlos.
The third day out, I was walking to the room where the class took place when I heard Carlos and Maria talking. There was a mirror opposite the doorway and I could see that the room was deserted except for those two. Maria was sitting in a tall stool turned sideways to the door and Carlos was leaning against the wall so that he was looking down on her. Maria works hard to stay in shape and she is proud of her body, but shy about showing it off. It was pretty obvious that Carlos was looking down her tank top, and it didn’t look like Maria was doing anything about it from my angle. Something in their body language made it seem that there was some sort of intimate conversation going on.
I checked the passageway and saw that it was empty. I carefully edged myself as close to the door as I could so I could hear what they were saying. Maria was leaning back in her chair with her legs tucked in the rail along the bottom. She was wearing a tank top and black shorts. She had her arms wrapped around the arms of the chair and if I didn’t know her better, I would have thought she was displaying her body provocatively for Carlos. He shifted his body so that he was standing right over her and Maria had to look up to talk with him.
“You are very limber,” Carlos said in his accented English. “It is obvious that you know how to use your body.”
“Thank you,” Maria said with a little smile. “I try to work out.”
“And it has paid off,” Carlos assured her. “You are a fine looking woman.” As he said this, Carlos gently ran his fingers along Maria’s arm I got the impression watching that he was trying to see what her reaction might be. When she made no protest, he grew more confident and ran his hand up along her neck and caressed her cheek. I could see Maria blush, and she licked her lips nervously, but didn’t stop him. She did glance at the door, and Carlos laughed softly.