Thursday night, 10 pm. The waiting queue were shuffling their feet in the cold out on the footpath, waiting for the doors of the Stroke Bar to open. Hot new band-of-the-month The Suspected were playing a gig there tonight, and all the regular patrons, plus more, had turned up. Rosemary jumped up and down on the spot, trying to warm herself up, wishing for a moment that she put some warmer clothes on, but quickly brushing that thought away with a private grin as she saw the looks she attracted from her fellow queuers, enjoying the subtle attention. She craned her neck, trying to see around the shifting bodies of the few people in front of her to see if the security had opened up the doors yet, and managed to catch the eye of Daniel, the main doorman of the club. He grinned, and waved her to the front of the line.
“Hey Rosie, got i.d. on you, love?” he teased.
She sighed and rolled her eyes, striking a pose on the steps, placing one knee-high boot clad leg up on a higher step as her short skirt rode a little up her thighs.
“You KNOW I’m over 18, you bastard, I work in the bar down the road! And besides, Dan, would an underage girl have these?”
She brought her hands up to cup her breasts, bringing them to the doorman’s attention. Dan grinned hugely, enjoying their little game, letting his gaze linger over her small pert breasts, ogling her nipples sticking out through the thin fabric of the Suspected t-shirt she wore.
“Forget your bra again Rosie?” he laughed.
She smirked.
“I never wear ‘em, Danny boy, you should know that. Can I go in now, I’m FREEZING!”
He glanced across to his partner, laughed again and opened up the door, ushering her in and lining up the rest of the crowd.
“In you get, love, enjoy the show, it should be a good one!”
She flounced past, into the dim light of the bar, but was called back.
“Wait, you forgot your pass-out stamp, Rosie!”
She sighed dramatically, tossed her short blonde hair and wriggled her ass at him and spun around, hands on hips as he approached her.
“Stamp my ass, Dan, I’m not planning on going out halfway through!”
“If you insist!”
He turned her around, lifted her squirt and tugged her panties down an inch as she squealed and laughed and pressed the stamp onto the soft pale flesh of her bare buttocks, marking her with a blurry inking of the word “stroke”.
“As the lady requested!” he grinned before returning to the door. “oh, and nice panties.”
“I’ll buy you a pair for Christmas if ya like ‘em that much.” Rosemary called back as she laughed again, mock-grumbling and readjusting her clothing and headed over to the main bar.