Month: August 2014

Bachelor Party Surprise

My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.

The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are usually pretty busy and Kristy and I do most of the work. We have to hire temps occasionally to help out when the party is too large for just the two of us to handle.

When it comes to the bachelor or bachelorette parties we usually hire strippers, as it seems all of these parties want this type of entertainment. We also work with various local bands to work the parties.

I usually work the bachelor parties with a temp helper because Kristy feels uncomfortable around them and she usually works the bachelorette parties with a temp for the same reason. It seems that usually the guys or gals which ever it may be have a better time if someone’s husband or wife is not around.

We had a call from a local politician whose son was getting married and he wanted to pay for the bachelor party. The usual request for liquor, food and strippers was on the list. There was going to be about eight guys at the party and it was going to be in a ritzy local hotel in one of the suites.

The party was in three days, which was very short notice to get things put together. We charge more for a short-term notice party, which is nice for the bank account but makes it a mad dash to put all of it together.

Kristy got on getting the food together and I jumped on getting the temp help lined up and the dancers for the party.

Everything was set for the party and it was none too soon as the party was tomorrow night at 7pm.

The day of the party Kristy and I were loading the van with the food and decorations when my cell phone rang. It was my temp help for the evening and he had an emergency and could not make it. There was no time to set up more help, as we had to be at the hotel in one hour to begin getting ready.

Hung Yearnings

I’m writing this story for reasons only important to myself. Tomorrow I will be forty years old. My story, however, begins nine years ago when I was thirty one..

My name is Jessica. I’ve been happily married for nine years to a wonderful caring man I met in college. We have two lovely children, a boy six and a daughter eight. My 31st birthday was yesterday and, as usual, my husband treated me to a night of dinner and dancing. He so enjoys doing for me that my pleasures are equaled only by the delight he derives from making me happy.

We want for nothing really, nothing material that is. That’s not to say we’re filthy rich, we don’t have yachts and jets, but we live extremely comfortable in a clean, safe upscale neighborhood.

When I was a child my mother religiously made an entry in her daily diary. She always told me her personal history was important to her. She found real satisfaction in reading and recalling her past, especially her spirited youth, lovers won and lost and the blessings brought by the love of having children.

I guess I’m my mother’s daughter because I’ve been keeping a diary since I was ten years old. This is really where my story begins, with my diary.

Occasionally I enter thoughts that some people probably would think are best left unsaid. My husband knew I valued my privacy and, as far as I knew, had never violated that trust by reading my innermost thoughts.

To this day I don’t know if I left the diary out in the open consciously are I simply forgot to put it away. Maybe, I don’t know…maybe in my subconscious I wanted him to read it.

Anyway, his natural curiosity bettered him. He only read my most recent entry but it was enough to hurt him deeply. It took him several weeks before he admitted it too me but it disturbed him so much he had to talk about it.