Ashley was surprised at how easy it was for her to be accepted into such a classy club. The other women welcomed her with open arms from day one. There were 12 other girls who roomed at the old remodeled house Ashley called home. Ashley was the newest member of her college fraternity at the time this story took place.
The frat girls always had a huge party at the beginning of the year and this year would be no exception. They cleaned the house with great attention to detail, and purchased assorted alcoholic beverages in preparation for their first big party. All of the women were excited and Ashley was anxious for the opportunity to get to know everyone. Ashley wasn’t much of a drinker, but she looked forward to meeting the men from another frat house who would be attending the party. Ashley was overly anxious to meet the awesome group of men she had heard so much about from her sorority sisters. The group of men from that house were among some of the most eligible, and sought after bachelors on campus.
Ashley was slender built with long lanky legs. Her hair was golden blonde and she had a perfect set of breasts not too big, not too small, and perfectly perky. Ashley was raised in a small town by strict parents who never allowed her to date. I suppose that’s the reason she was so keyed up about the frat party. The first guests arrived about 8:00, three clean cut handsome young men from the frat down the street. The keg was tapped, and the ritual drinking began. Ashley drank to try to fit in, but she started getting drunk quickly because of her low tolerance for alcohol.
By 10:00 there were at least 20 guys and all 13 girls who lived in the house were at the party. The men peered at Ashley obviously captivated by her naive charm, but kept their distance at first. She didn’t seem like the kind of girl that would be easy to approach, because she was so pretty.