My wife Lynn is a compulsive flasher and exhibitionist. Ever since I have known her she has been making sure that she lets people see her body. When we have friends or family stay, she always manages to never quite shut the bedroom or bathroom door or she walks into the living room in a towel on the pretext of asking a question and accidentally drops the towel. She often goes bra-less and wears tops that hang down when she bends or leans forward which always happens to be when there is someone in a position to look down her top.
At work her skirts have always been short and the tops low cut and she has never been one to hold down a dress on a windy day. She often does the housework in the nude and even hangs the washing out wearing just the bottom half of her bikini, particularly when she knows our neighbour’s teenage son is home. I have never minded this behaviour as it generally makes her randy and if she has managed a good flash we end up having great sex. I guess you would say that it is all reasonably tame behaviour, however it has added a degree of spice to our marriage over the years.
A series of events that occurred recently however have changed her behaviour significantly and I am still endeavouring to come to terms with it all. We were watching the cricket on TV and there was a streaker, an attractive young girl who managed to run three quarters of the way across the oval before the constabulary managed to grab her and cover her with a coat. It was obvious that the girl enjoyed herself and thought it was a great lark.