Month: August 2011

Wife Becomes a Slut

My wife Lynn is a compulsive flasher and exhibitionist. Ever since I have known her she has been making sure that she lets people see her body. When we have friends or family stay, she always manages to never quite shut the bedroom or bathroom door or she walks into the living room in a towel on the pretext of asking a question and accidentally drops the towel. She often goes bra-less and wears tops that hang down when she bends or leans forward which always happens to be when there is someone in a position to look down her top.

At work her skirts have always been short and the tops low cut and she has never been one to hold down a dress on a windy day. She often does the housework in the nude and even hangs the washing out wearing just the bottom half of her bikini, particularly when she knows our neighbour’s teenage son is home. I have never minded this behaviour as it generally makes her randy and if she has managed a good flash we end up having great sex. I guess you would say that it is all reasonably tame behaviour, however it has added a degree of spice to our marriage over the years.

A series of events that occurred recently however have changed her behaviour significantly and I am still endeavouring to come to terms with it all. We were watching the cricket on TV and there was a streaker, an attractive young girl who managed to run three quarters of the way across the oval before the constabulary managed to grab her and cover her with a coat. It was obvious that the girl enjoyed herself and thought it was a great lark.

The Salesmen In Sally

Last January Sally had to go to Minneapolis on a business trip. “Minneapolis is beautiful in the summer,” I told her, “but during the winter it’s pretty cold. I doubt that you’ll get out of your meeting hotel much. What will you do during your spare time.” “I don’t know,’ she replied, “maybe I’ll take in a movie. Or just hang out in the hotel bar.” With this last line, she gave me a smile and her eyes brightened. I thought I knew what she was thinking but I had to ask. “What are you thinking of doing?” “Well, you know I always find interesting people to talk to,” she said. That confirmed it for me. “I think you have more in mind than talking. You know I like to watch and participate but I won’t be with you to enjoy the action.” For the past few years Sally and I had been visiting swing clubs, inviting guys to fuck her via the internet, and setting up gang bangs. I have to admit that it really turns me on to see my forty-something slut wife getting fucked by other men. And ever since I saw a goodlooking blonde get gangbanged on a video during my college years I have been fascinated with watching gangbangs. Now that I am married to a goodlooking blonde it all just seems to have come together nicely. And Sally loves fucking. She likes to fuck me but she is also into variety. I think she really gets into attracting men. She talks about how she enjoys being used by men for sex but I think she is really using them. It is like she is manipulating them in fucking her and then taking their power by making them cum.

A Day At the (Bisexual) Beach

It was a hot late July day. I was working out of the house as usual. My wife, Anne who works in town had taken the day off to go to the beach with friends. Around 10 as she was getting ready to leave her friend Mary called to say that she couldn’t make it, her son had come down with the flu and she had better stay home with him. Anne was a little disappointed but said she understood and perhaps they could do it another time.

I was not getting a lot accomplished myself. Seems like July and August people are in vacation mode and if you can reach anyone they’re really not focused. “What the hell,” I thought, “I’ll take Anne to the beach, it’ll be a nice little get a way.”

I thought I’d take her to this little nude beach I learned about while chatting on the net. Anne didn’t know about it and I thought the shock might do her good.