It’s funny how one evening can change your whole way of life. My wife’s friend, Vera, had asked us to join her and her husband to her works dinner dance. I thought ‘How boring’. Her husband is a bit of a bore and we wouldn’t know anyone else at the party but Joan was very keen on going, so of course we went. Halfway through the meal, Vera took ill.
Probably something she had eaten didn’t agree with her, so they went home. Now here we were, not knowing a soul there. Joan had been drinking a bit and was quite merry. After the meal there was dancing. We had danced a couple of numbers, then I went to the bar to get more drinks and as I returned, a guy was asking Joan to dance.
‘Go ahead!’ I said. ‘It will give me a rest.’ So off they went. I sat watching them as best I could as the lighting had been dimmed and they kept getting swallowed up in the crowed. When Joan returned, she looked rather flushed.
‘Been over doing it?’ I asked. ‘No!’ She replied looking very embarrassed. ‘He kept putting his hands on my bottom.’ Well now, perhaps the evening wasn’t going to be too boring after all. I had often fantasised about watching Joan with another guy but knowing how prudish she is sometimes, I never really thought it would ever happen.